Real Estate Investing
Coaching, Syndication,
Education & Inspiration

What type of Real Estate Investments are a good fit 
for you? Click below and take the test!

Tony Lopes

CEO, Coach,
Author & Speaker

Real Estate Investing
Coaching, Syndication,
Education & Inspiration


Tony Lopes

CEO, Coach,
Author & Speaker

Tony Lopes

CEO, Coach,
Author & Speaker

CEO, Coach,
Author & Speaker

What type of Real Estate Investments are a good fit 
for you? Click below and take the test!

Real Estate Investing Banner

Do You Want More Freedom?

At Dirty Boots Capital, we believe that financial independence is within your reach!

Tony Lopes, the visionary Founder & CEO of Dirty Boots Capital, is a sought-after speaker, author, real estate investor, and coach. With a passion for helping individuals achieve more freedom, Tony brings over 20 years of hands-on experience in real estate investing to the table.

Thanks to his real estate investments, Tony was able to achieve financial independence and retire early at the age of 44. He is now eager to show you how to reach your own early retirement goals.

Whether you’re interested in real estate investing (REl), seeking expert coaching, or looking for an engaging speaker for your next event, Tony Lopes is here to guide you every step of the way.

Freedom with Dirty Boots Capital

Join Tony for a free, value-packed session,

AND receive a complimentary copy of his best selling book, “Freedom at Risk”. 

Book a call now!

Real Estate Syndication

Real Estate Syndication

Join forces with expert investors to access some of the best deals the market has to offer!

Become a real estate investor without getting your boots dirty. Let us do the legwork to find investment properties that meet your needs for cash flow, appreciation and/or tax advantages.


"We get our boots dirty, so you don't have to."

Tony Lopes Real Estate Testimonial

Achieve More in Real Estate With Affordable & Personalized Coaching

Do you want to use real estate to achieve more personal and financial freedom but worry about whether you know enough about the market, can figure out the right strategies and follow all the legal requirements?

Let’s work together and make your real estate investment journey a success!

Achieve More

Get the Amazon Best Seller:
Freedom at Risk

“Freedom At Risk” details how we are losing our personal and financial
freedoms by examining the education system, cultural and societal issues, politics, economics, and the monetary system. This book will help you see the changes happening around you and provide you with roadmaps and survival skills to formulate a detailed, multifaceted plan to protect and maximize your freedoms to achieve a fuller, more rewarding, and freer life.

Freedom at Risk Book by Tony Lopes
Tony Lopes Real Estate Investing Speaking

Inspirational Speaking

Drawing from his own experiences achieving financial success against the odds, Tony’s presentations resonate with audiences of all backgrounds, inspiring them to take control of their destinies and
pursue their dreams.

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