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Create a Life
of Freedom

We’ll show you how, through active and passive real estate investments, business opportunities, asymmetric plays, and more, to develop a Plan B specific to your needs.

Create a Life of Freedom

We’ll show you how, through active and passive real estate investments, business opportunities, asymmetric plays, and more, to develop a Plan B specific to your needs.

About Dirty Boots Capital

The name Dirty Boots is near and dear to my heart. Growing up, my father worked in construction full-time while managing his real estate investments on the side. When he came home from a day of hard work, my mother would kindly remind him to take off his dirty boots. As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Nearly 20 years ago, I also entered into real estate investing and got my boots plenty dirty over the years with tear-downs, remodels, and new construction.

Today, the name Dirty Boots has a whole new meaning for me. You see, real estate investing is not only about getting your boots dirty in the field but also about getting them dirty by walking through financial statements, demographic reports, employment records, and more. As a real estate investor, success quickly comes down to figuring out what questions I haven’t asked and what issues I still need to investigate and then doing the work that no one else will do.

That’s where we come in.

At Dirty Boots Capital, we partner with individuals who are looking to earn income from real estate investing. Whether you want to take an active, hands-on approach or prefer to be a passive investor and have us do the heavy lifting, you can benefit from our years of experience. As we say, “We get our boots dirty, so you don’t have to.” We’ve done it before. Let us show you how.

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Dirty Boots Real Estate Syndication

Real Estate Syndication

Become a real estate investor without getting your boots dirty. Let us do the legwork to find investment properties that meet your needs for cash flow, appreciation and/or tax advantages.

“We get our boots dirty, so you don’t have to.”


Are you ready to become an active real estate investor? If you’re looking to buy and manage your own investment properties but want to avoid learning your lessons the hard way, use our one-on-one consulting service to master everything from LLC formation to successful property management, and from dealing with landlord/tenant issues to building your real estate investment team. We will set you up for success!

Free Freedom at Risk Book

Get the Book:
"Freedom at Risk"
by Tony Lopes

Gain a greater appreciation of the interdependencies among education, politics, the economy, money, culture, society, and how each impacts your freedoms. Learn to see the changes happening in the world so you can formulate a plan to protect and maximize your personal and financial freedoms.

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Have Tony speak at your event!

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Have More questions?

A real estate syndication is simply many people pooling their investment dollars together to purchase real estate that they normally would not be able to purchase on their own. Real estate syndications provide people the opportunity to invest in certain assets that they may know little about other than that it is an up and coming trend, such as mobile home parks, storage units, warehouses, etc. The general partners in the syndication will have the expertise to select the best assets for your investment dollars.

Dirty Boots Capital is both a GP and an LP. As a limited partner (LP), we invest our money with general partners (GP) that we know and trust. Because we’re well connected to several GPs, sometimes we will occasionally partner with them as a GP when it meets the needs of our clients. Either way, we look to provide investors with the best solution, which may not always be to invest with us directly.

An active investor participates in the daily, weekly, and monthly management of a property, whereas a passive investor relies on professionals to manage the property on their behalf. If you work for Apple and have stock, you are an active investor in Apple. If you are retired and own Apple stock, you are a passive investor.

Yes and no. According to the answer above, you can be an active real estate investor through hands-on management, or a passive real estate investor through a syndication or other investment approach that puts the management responsibilities in the hands of someone else.

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“Freedom At Risk” will give you the survival skills you need to plan for financial and personal freedom. It’s never too late or too early to plan and take control. Learn how to replace your income and remove job dependency while achieving a fuller, more rewarding, freer life.